

Depatment of Sociology

About Depatment

The Department of Sociology was established in June 2000 Sociology is the most potential of the inputs that go in to the decision planning and development process of Indian Society. Nature of the Indian Society , importance and need of the hour too. With recent policies and new challenges in socio – economic development in the contemporary Indian Society . To meet liberal social Development policies of the Govt. Demand a closer linkage between college and society. The former are called upon to reorient and redesign their courses to cater to the changing needs of the employment market. The development goals can be achieved and national productivity can increased only when the man power is properly recruited transmitted Society and politician on professional lines.

The Department of Sociology has been constantly striving to meet ever the over increasing man power need of the education institution, business and other Sectors, through revamping syllabus. The department also has been made all our efforts to equip the students with the latest theoretical and practical inputs to shape them up as promising personalities and human resource personal. In shortly aim and ojectives of departments under:To format development and assist Social leadership.To create Social Economical and political awareness among the society.

Course Details

Class Semester Paper No Name of the Paper
B.A.F.Y. Sem. I I Introduction to Sociology
II Indian Social Institution -II
Sem. II III Basic Concept In Sociology -III
IV Transformation in Social Institution -IV
B.A.S.Y. Sem.III V Problem of Rural India
VI Contempory Urban Issues
Sem. IV VII Population in India
VIII Sociology of Development
B.A.T.Y. Sem. V IX Sociological Tradition
X Introduction to Research Methodology
XI Social Problem in India
XII Project Work
Sem. VI XIII Sociological Theories
XIV Social Research Methods
XV Social Disorganization in Contempory India
XVI Project Work


  • Departmental Library is available. There are 40 books available in the departmental library and they are made available to the students as per their requirement.
  • Question Bank.
  • Video Lectures.

Teaching Staff

# Name of Faculty Qualification Designation Experience
1 Dr. KHATAL R .D M.A.,M.Phil, Ph.D. HOD & Associate Professor 24

Research Publications

# Name of Faculty National Journals International Journals Conf. Proceeding Chapter in Book Books
1 Dr. KHATAL R .D 10 08 02 04 00

Student Enrollement

# Academic Year B.A.F.Y. B.A.S.Y. B.A.T.Y. Total
3 2018-19 34 32 18 64
4 2019-20 41 22 16 79
1 2020-21 35 20 14 69
2 2021-22 30 16 19 65
2 2022-23 42 16 05 63

Results (from 2018-19 on words)

# Academic Year B.A.F.Y. B.A.S.Y. B.A.T.Y.
1 2017-18 82% 95% 85%
1 2018-19 98% 92% 90%
2 2019-20 90% 94% 92%
3 2020-21 42% 70% 82%
3 2021-22 80% 78% 82%

Events & Activities

  • Organized Guest Lecture Dr.Kale R.B. on Status of Woman Date: 15/10/2022.
  • Organized one day Work shop on Research Methodology.Date:14-03/2023
  • Organized Student Group Discussion Problem of Dawari System Date:18/11/2021.
  • Organized Student Seminar on Population Problem Date: 08/01/2023Voter.
  • Field Visit on Sehensha Darga Beed Date: 05/01/2023.

Best Practices & Future Plan

Best Practice

  • Guidance for Competitive Examination.

Future Plan

  • To Organize a National Conference/ seminar.
  • To increase study/field visit for students.
  • To arrange workshop on Research Methodology.

