Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Criterion IV – Infrastructure and Learning Resources

Criterion No. Criteria Link
4.1 Physical Facilities
4.1.1 The Institution has adequate infrastructure and other facilities for a. teaching – learning, viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc b. ICT – enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS etc. Facilities for Cultural and sports activities, yoga centre, games (indoor and outdoor), Gymnasium, auditorium etc View
4.1.2 Percentage of expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation excluding salary during the last five years View
4.2 Library as a learning Resource
4.2.1 Library is automated with digital facilities using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), adequate subscriptions to e-resources and journals are made. The library is optimally used by the faculty and students View
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and provides sufficient bandwidth for internet connection View
4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) View
4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
4.4.1 Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years View